“New Life Facility Group excels in approach and service.”
That is what our clients say and we are proud of that!
Everything we do stems from our vision:
"The customer needs to be taken care of’’
Full-service provision requires an efficient organisation that makes it possible, on the basis of continuity and expertise, in order to fully relieve the client of their burdens by providing a good final product.
Almost 100 years of experience
Experience- that's what Nieuw Leven Facility Group is known for. We have been active in the facility services sector in the Central and Northern Netherlands for almost 100 years. We are proud to call ourselves specialists.
With a wide range of facility services we will relieve you of all your worries. We are happy to put our experience to work for you
Quality first
We are committed to delivering high quality every day. We do this by deploying skilled and committed employees. They carry out the most specialist work with ease and pleasure. As a result, we guarantee good and thorough work, constant quality and a fair price. Having the right certifications is also very important to us. én eeneerlijke prijs. Ook de juiste keurmerken bezitten is voor ons erg belangrijk.
What we stand for
Transparent and sustainable relationships with our customers and employees are very important to us. In addition, expertise and delivering high quality are the spearheads of our organisation. As a result, we strive to relieve our clients of all of the responsibilities of cleaning, maintenance and other facility services.
This is what customers say about Nieuw Leven
Our mission
We are a committed facility service provider who constantly works on an honest and sustainable relationship with our clients and employees. Expertise and delivering high quality are the spearheads of our organization. As a result, we relieve our clients of all aspects of cleaning, maintenance and other facility services.
Our vision
Nieuw Leven Facility Groep is een innoverende facilitaire dienstverlener die behoort tot de top 25 van schoonmaakbedrijven in Nederland. Diversificatie, investeren in mens & technologie en maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen maakt de organisatie uniek in de branche en een toonzetter voor menig schoonmaakbedrijf.
The birth of Nieuw Leven Facility Group
Nieuw Leven Facility Groep (formerly Nieuw Leven B.V.) was part of 'De Gast Schoonmaakbedrijven', a well-known name in Dutch cleaning history.In 1917 the De Gast family continued under the name 'G.A. de Gast Schoonmaakbedrijf' and the company made a name for itself by cleaning churches, theatres, studios and offices.
Peter de Gast Sr.† groeide van jongs af mee in het familiebedrijf. In 1990 koppelde hij Nieuw leven B.V. los van ‘De Gast Schoonmaakbedrijven”, zodat hij zijn eigen intuïtie en de visie van zijn vader kon opvolgen. Dit deed hij in samenwerking met zijn vrouw Ans de Gast, zoon Peter de Gast Jr. En Fabian Belderbos. Nieuw Leven B.V. groeide door tot een groot allround facilitair dienstverlener die alle takken van de branche behartigt. Sinds 2016 opereert het bedrijf onder de naam Nieuw Leven Facility Groep en ontzorgen zij klanten volledig door ook hospitality diensten in eigen beheer aan te bieden.
We are proud of our clients!
Thanks to our professional knowledge and efficient way of working, our clients have determined our success for almost 100 years! Take a look at our portfolio, make an appointment or request a quote directly.
View our portfolio, make an appointment or request a quote immediately!

Free maintenance scan
Are you curious about the maintenance costs for your company? Get direct insight into the costs with the maintenance scan.